Student participation is one of the most important pillars at KU Leuven to implement good and inclusive policies. It is no surprise that the student community is characterised by great diversity. Together with the faculty consultative bodies, we always try to focus on inclusion. This report, written in the framework of the institutional review (see infra), puts forward how the student representation includes students with different backgrounds, how it makes their voices heard and how student representation contributes to the theme ‘diversity and inclusion’.
Read the full report below:
Institutional review?
To continue to guarantee and improve the quality of education at KU Leuven, a lot of attention is paid to quality assurance. Maybe as a student you have already participated in a COBRA review for your program. But this year, the institutional review will also take place….
What is it?
KU Leuven has been visited by the Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatie Organisatie (NVAO) in academic year 2021-2022. They looked into the quality of the educational policy at KU Leuven, as well as determined where there was room for improvement. In preparation, a critical reflection was made with the help of students, faculty and staff. You can read it here.
How does it work?
On November 22, 2021 an international committee came to KU Leuven for an exploratory site visit, where they formed a portrayal of KU Leuven and its context. This month, in March 2022, they returned with targeted research questions to further assess the quality of KU Leuven. Throughout the process, we as students will also be represented at the various KU Leuven councils and during the site visits.