A wise Stura member for diversity and sustainability once said that people are like plants. Any one of us will loose some leaves at some time.
But how do you make sure youdon’t become demotivatedduring a tough period?
These are the places to turn to!
Your student representatives
Do you have a question or remark about a specific subject?
Are you experiencing problems with one of your professors?
Do you not know who to approach with your question?
Are you in need of accessible advice regarding your study programme?
Do you just need to have a chat with a fellow student of your faculty?
Your faculty representatives are always there to help you with any remark, question or problem!
Of course you can also contact the representatives of Stura
Your campus council / praesidium
Looking for a nice online event, a cosy conversation or tips from senior students? For this and many other things, you can contact your campus council and praesidium.
Studies without Worries is an online self-help programme for all students of KU Leuven who, in the course of their studies, are held back by:
Fear of failure
Lack of assertiveness
Your study career
Studying can be a big challenge, but you are not alone. The Academic advisers of your faculty will gladly help you on your way to making all study choices within the faculty.
Would you like to reorient your study, could you use some tips on your study method or do you have a broader question concerning your choice of study? Then you are always welcome at the Study Advice Service.
Your ombuds service
Did you know that there is an ombuds service per faculty where you can go with all your questions about exams and exam regulations? Do not hesitate to send them an e-mail if you have any questions concerning the exams.